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    New features in v7.7.8 [14-Sept-2024]

    - Polyglot: added automatic setting of NOT NULL property if attribute is marked as Primary Key

    - PowerDesigner reverse-engineering: added the possibility to merge a PD LDM file into an existing model

    - Avro: suppressed false positive validation warning about missing default in choices (oneOf, anyOf, allOf)

    - Db2: added commenting of deactivated columns in forward-engineering of views

    - DeltaLake/Databricks: added support for Runtime 15, including support for Variant and Object data types

    - DeltaLake/Databricks: added commenting of deactivated columns in forward-engineering of views

    - DeltaLake/Databricks: added checkbox to activate DROP statements in ALTER scripts of delta model

    - MongoDB: added commenting of deactivated columns in forward-engineering of views

    - Oracle: upgraded to latest client SDK 

    - Oracle: added automatic setting of NOT NULL property if column is marked as Primary Key

    - PostgreSQL: added support for new mandatory SSL setup when connecting to RDS or Aurora with SSH tunneling

    - ScyllaDB: added commenting of deactivated columns in forward-engineering of views

    - Snowflake: enhanced support of tags by adding a dropdown property listing tags previously created for the schema

    - Snowflake: added reverse-engineering of tags

    - Snowflake: added filter of empty tags in DDL generation if allowed_values is specified


    New features in v7.7.7 [06-Sept-2024]

    - Browser: added possibility to open the Hackolade Studio Desktop application from link URL hck:// when functionality is not available in browser

    - Forward-Engineering tab: added shortcut icon in top right corner linking to dialog to forward-engineer script to file without need to go through menus.

    - Oracle: defaulted new columns to data type varchar2

    - Snowflake: removed false positives in Impact Analysis screen when refreshing references to external definitions

    - Snowflake: added quoting around tag names in UNSET statement of ALTER script


    New features in v7.7.6 [31-Aug-2024]

    - Community Edition: added object count in banner, maintained as objects are added or deleted from model

    - External definitions: fixed type when object is replaced by table-level definition

    - Db2: added clearing of collation properties when locale is changed

    - Glue: upgraded to AWS SDK v3 in order to allow to use ElectronFetchHttpHandler in case of proxy
    - Oracle: added WHERE clause at root table level of 23ai Duality Views


    New features in v7.7.5 [23-Aug-2024]

    - Browser deployment: disabled recent models for browsers without File System Access API support (Brave, Firefox, Safari)

    - Desktop deployment: fixed file watcher on Windows for paths where folder name starts with a number

    - Diagram Objects pane: added ? icon linking to online documentation

    - Object Browser: disabled replace tab in read-only viewer edition

    - PowerDesigner import: added summary dialog during reverse-engineering

    - Collibra: automatically configured default scopes based on choice of auth provider

    - Plugins: removed deprecated cleanDependecy keyword

    - Avro, Cosmos DB Gremlin, Delta Lake/Databricks, EventBridge, MariaDB, OpenAPI, Oracle, PostgreSQL, YugabyteDB: removed from persistence default options changed by user

    - Oracle: fixed issue with insufficient privileges when applying creation of Duality Views to instance

    - Snowflake: added support for CLUSTER BY property in materialized views

    - Snowflake: added support for dynamic tables


    New features in v7.7.4 [16-Aug-2024]

    - Browser deployment: added warning in Health Check screen about preferences not being preserved if user is in guest/private/incognito mode

    - Browser deployment: added warning modal when saving a model but browser does not support File System Access API (Brave, Firefox, Safari) and falls back to downloads 

    - ERD: adjusted size of container according to toggling of Annotations in Display Options

    - ERDVs: adjusted size of container according to ERDV membership and moving of attributes

    - Command-Line Interface: adjusted folder name in forwEng command when structured path preference is selected

    - Foreign key constraint names: replaced blanks with underscores for compliance where necessary

    - External definitions: enhanced performance for refresh of references

    - Plugin Manager: added troubleshooting link in case list of plugins is empty due to blocking of our repos

    - Collibra: made connection settings entry easier for JWT authentication with Azure AD/Microsoft Entra ID or OKTA SSO authorization

    - Polyglot: added adapter and improved performance of undo/redo operations in models with external or polyglot references

    - Polyglot: fixed restoring attributes when deleted in source model but user chooses to keep them anyway during Impact Analysis

    - PostgreSQL: added support for SET DEFAULT in ALTER COLUMN script


    New features in v7.7.3 [09-Aug-2024]

    - Documentation generation: added support for rendering of Markdown inline images in textarea properties

    - Polyglot: added vector data type with subtype and dimension, currently derivable in Cassandra 5+, Elasticsearch 8+, Oracle 23ai+, and others to come

    - Compare & Merge and Polyglot Impact analysis: added lineage tab

    - Polyglot Impact Analysis: added detection of name changes in UDTs/model definitions

    - Polyglot Impact Analysis: added handling of relationships deleted in Polyglot model but user chooses to retain them in derived model

    - Collibra: added support for JWT JSON Web Token authentication

    - BigQuery, Hive, PostgreSQL, YugabyteDB-YSQL: adjusted default names of Foreign Key relationships to avoid blanks - also native and other targets

    - Cassandra, CosmosDB-with-Gremlin-API, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, Hive, JanusGraph, MarkLogic, Neo4j, Neptune-Gremlin, ScyllaDB, Tinkerpop: added maintainable and reusable instance disconnect flow

    - Glue: changed entity-level config to allow partition keys not be primary keys if set so

    - Snowflake: added support for Cluster By property in materialized views

    - Snowflake: updated syntax highlighting in forward-engineering of DDL script tab due to Snowsight changes


    New features in v7.7.2 [02-Aug-2024]

    - CLI: added command to import diagrams into Hackolade models, starting with PowerDesigner

    - PowerDesigner: added possibility to bulk import files with the Command-Line Interface

    - PowerDesigner: set isActivated by default for attributes

    - Undo/Redo: stabilized Redo action when appending attribute

    - File Watcher: adjusted behavior of git actions when multiple instances, plus isolated in dedicated utility process

    - ERD: fixed error when moving an annotation box when Hide database views display option is enabled

    - ERD: fixed issue with dangling relationship lines when display options are changed back and forth

    - Collibra: replaced fetching of relations during reverse-engineering from REST API to GraphQL API to reduce number of calls to instance

    - Collibra: added conflict resolution logic when reverse-engineering into existing model

    - MongoDB: skipped resolution of index labels for model definitions

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added forward-engineering of cross-schema foreign key relationship constraints

    - Hive: added forward-engineering of cross-schema foreign key relationship constraints

    - Oracle: added option to choose to generate DDL with either quoted identifiers or nonquoted identifiers

    - Oracle: added workload analysis form for 23ai Duality Views

    - Oracle: added relationship quantification form for array subqueries in 23ai Duality View

    - Snowflake: added choice for DDL script in either Snowsight syntax (default) or previous classicUI

    - Snowflake: added escaping of special characters in Snowsight syntax

    - Snowflake: added parsing of NULLS in ORDER BY view statements

    - Snowflake: added forward-engineering of cross-schema foreign key relationship constraints


    New features in v7.7.1 [26-Jul-2024]

    - Model validation: added handling of cross-target references to external definitions for entities and attributes

    - PowerDesigner import: added mapping determination for user-defined types with only length defined

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added detection of whether Unity Catalog is enabled or not during reverse-engineering

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: reverse-engineering of column with nullable string, when it contains serialized JSON payload

    - Glue Data Catalog: added mapping of partition keys

    - Glue Data Catalog: added indicators in ERD for partition keys and clustering keys

    - Glue Data Catalog: enabled same target reference to external table at entity level

    - PostgreSQL: added tolerance for and filtering of empty indexes in forward-engineering of ALTER scripts

    - Snowflake: added support for tags in properties of tables, columns, and views, plus forward- and reverse-engineering, and alter scripts


    New features in v7.7.0 [19-Jul-2024]

    - Browser: added deployment of Read-Only Viewer Edition at -- requires a Viewer Edition license

    - Desktop deployment: tech refresh of Electron (v31.2.1), NodeJS (v20.15.0), Chromium (v126.0.6478.127), V8 (v12.6) and related modules

    - Upgraded to latest version of parcel file watcher v2.4.1

    - ERD: automatically add entities when creating a container, and automatically add attributes when creating a new entity

    - ERD: allowed parameter to determine the number of attributes to automatically add when creating a new entity

    - BigQuery: adjusted generation of time unit partitioning for columns with DATE data type

    - Cosmos DB with SQL API: allowed to fetch target script during documentation generation

    - Glue Data Catalog: allowed to reverse-engineer columns specified with no data type

    - Glue Data Catalog: upgraded to the latest version of thee aws-sdk library

    - Snowflake: proper display of variant data type in ERD


    New features in v7.6.1 [12-Jul-2024]

    - Collibra: added publishing of lineage relations between logical Polyglot models and their derived physical targets for all their assets (model/schema, entity/table, attribute/column)

    - Collibra: added dialog to remind user to save the model after publishing in order to persist Collibra internal asset IDs for lineage purposes

    - Compare and Merge: adjusted handling of merging attributes with multiple data types

    - ERD: adjusted logic to display data type abbreviation when made of type+subtype+synonym

    - Entity JSON/YAML Preview: added shortcut buttons to access forward-engineering generation to file for JSON Schema and JSON sample data

    - Model validation: added rules and warning badges for polyglot references if applicable

    - Model validation: optimized performance for rendering of warning badges in very large models (thousands of FK relationships)

    - Polyglot: added adapter to auto-fix models converted from target models with erroneous custom properties configuration

    - BigQuery, Cassandra, CockroachDB, Db2, Hive, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, Parquet, PostgreSQL, Redshift, ScyllaDB, SQLserver, Synapse, YugabyteDB: enabled same target reference to external table at entity level


    New features in v7.6.0 [05-Jul-2024]

    - Tech refresh of Electron (v31.1.0), NodeJS (v20.14.0), Chromium (v126.0.6478.114), V8 (v12.6) and related modules

    - Welcome page: updated social media icons

    - Diagram Objects pane: added possibility to add attributes to views

    - Collibra: added tolerance for trailing slash / in host URLs

    - PowerDesigner reverse-engineering: display warning dialog in case a package is detected in .ldm file

    - PowerDesigner reverse-engineering: open dialog in default reverse-engineering path if set

    - BigQuery: added adapter to adjust old models with change in partitioning structure

    - Cassandra: limited minProperties and maxProperties to Map, and Object data types, and MinItems/maxItems to List and Set data types

    - Cassandra and ScyllaDB: provided geospatial data type with properties so it can behave like an array

    - Couchbase legacy: added Activated property at attribute level

    - Couchbase: added indicator of segment order in structured PK 

    - Graph targets: added zoom on node in canvas when selecting it in Object Browser

    - OpenAPI: allowed to edit Diagram View membership

    - Oracle: added support for Boolean data type in 23ai 

    - Oracle: added support for JSON flex column in 23ai duality views

    - Oracle: adjusted mapping of integer when deriving from Polyglot


    New features in v7.5.1 [28-Jun-2024]

    - Docker image: upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in latest version 0.0.20

    - Custom properties: display in a separate tab any detected custom prop that is not found in the local configuration

    - Excel import: eliminated false-positive warnings when reverse-engineering Excel file with custom properties

    - PowerDesigner .LDM file reverse-engineering: added import of custom extensions

    - Avro: added documentation for existing support of schema annotations 

    - Couchbase v7+: added possibility to reverse-engineer an .n1ql file

    - Oracle: added support for vector data type in 23ai

    - CockroachDB, CosmosDB, Neptune, SQL Server, Tinkerpop, YugabyteDB: moved ssh tunneling from plugin to core app


    New features in v7.5.0 [21-Jun-2024]

    - Tech refresh of Electron (v30.1.1), NodeJS (v20.14.0), Chromium (v124.0.6367.243), V8 (v12.4) and related modules

    - Toolbar and Diagram Objects pane: changed to more obvious icons for Add Entity and Add Attributes

    - Bulk test data generation: upgraded FakerJS library to v8.4.1

    - Bulk test data generation: added Faker function capability at entity level to ensure consistency of related synthetic data within entity

    - Excel import: allowed changes to some properties in physical models derived from Polyglot, when already allowed in UI

    - Excel import: added log entry when import of changed property is not allowed

    - Graph diagrams: added centering canvas on selection in the Object Browser

    - PowerDesigner .LDM file reverse-engineering: added orthogonal distribution of entity boxes at end of process

    - Couchbase: added support for configurable structured Primary Key design based on existing fields, constants, separators, and patterns

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: updated parsing grammar for catalog names in create statements

    - MarkLogic: updated to latest SDK version 3.4.0

    - MarkLogic: added integer data type

    - BigQuery, CockroachDB, CosmosDB w/ MongoDB API, Elasticsearch, Firebase, Firestore, HBase, MariaDB, MarkLogic, MySQL, Protobuf, Redshift, SQL Server, Synapse, Teradata: limited minProperties and maxProperties to Map and Object data types

    - BigQuery, Delta Lake/Databricks, Glue, Hive, Redshift, Teradata: limited json data type to json objects and json arrays

    - Cassandra, MariaDB, Neo4j, ScyllaDB: moved ssh tunneling from plugin to core app


    New features in v7.4.8 [14-Jun-2024]

    - Object Browser: added alt+mouse click control so selection centers ERD canvas on selected object but without zoom

    - PowerDesigner .LDM file reverse-engineering: added support for import of super-types and sub-types

    - PowerDesigner .LDM file reverse-engineering: added import of architectureAreas into containers

    - Polyglot: limited minProperties and maxProperties to Map and Object data types

    - Oracle: moved ssh tunneling from plugin to core app

    - Oracle: limited minProperties and maxProperties to Map and Object data types

    - PostgreSQL: moved ssh tunneling from plugin to core app

    - PostgreSQL: limited minProperties and maxProperties to Map and Object data types


    New features in v7.4.7 [10-Jun-2024]

    - ERD rendering: added workaround for a regression in ReactJS function shouldComponentUpdate() that may affect opening of some models


    New features in v7.4.6 [07-Jun-2024]

    - PowerDesigner: added possibility to directly read .LDM files into Polyglot models, including entities, attributes, relationships, and logical diagrams (mapped to our Diagram Views)

    - Print diagram: adjusted container coordinates and size for PDF format

    - External model definitions: allowed cross-target references to be replaced by their attributes

    - Db2: adjusted validation of default property for string and numeric data types

    - Db2: disabled unsupported encrypt property, arrayType for XML data type, and json data type for array items

    - Neo4j: added logging for generating probabilistic schema logic

    - Oracle: renamed version 23c to 23ai


    New features in v7.4.5 [31-May-2024]

    - Diagram Objects pane: added possibility to drag-and-drop objects in desired location the canvas

    - Model validation: added validation of rules when an objects is in focus and property is changed

    - Model validation: added display of warning badge in Properties Pane tab

    - Collibra: added publishing of relationship cardinality into new custom attributes

    - Collibra: added reverse-engineering of relationship cardinality

    - Plugins: migrated to new deployment infrastructure with version 0.2.x

    - Teradata: rebuilt plugin client to support Java version 8 and above


    New features in v7.4.4 [24-May-2024]

    - Model validation: enhanced handling for custom rules in comments and descriptions

    - Model validation: added consistency of badge display in ERD and Object Browser in several circumstances

    - Collibra: refactored ability to fetch assets and related attributes with output module API for higher performance and scale

    - Diagram Objects pane: added an icon to add/append attribute

    - Polyglot: added adapter to auto-fix containers with references when derived from polyglot 

    - Excel: added ability to clear boolean values

    - Excel: fixed import of data types binary, blob, and timestamp

    - Couchbase legacy and v7plus with scopes and collections: allowed key to use sample property in JSON data

    - Db2: added reverse-engineering from instance

    - PostgreSQL: added support for changes to and in unique keys in ALTER scripts


    New features in v7.4.3 [17-May-2024]

    - ERD: adjusted keyboard shortcut paste operation to place object in location of mouse cursor

    - Validation: added optional check of validation rules upon opening model, off by default, and controlled in Tools > Options > General

    - JSON Schema: added preservation of GUIDs during reverse-engineering when using the replace option of a conflict detection dialog

    - Workgroup edition: fixed hanging spinner in case of multiple subscriptions for an opened model change event

    - Avro: fixed handling of required property for complex types derived from polyglot models

    - Db2: added support for auxiliary tables


    New features in v7.4.2 [10-May-2024]

    - ERD and Object Browser panes: allow in-place editing of names for containers, entities and attributes with second click or F2 function key

    - Object Browser: added mark in entity title bar for reference to model and external definitions 

    - Conflict detection: retain GUIDs (if available) in Replace option of conflict detection during reverse-engineering

    - Collibra: added progress report during reverse-engineering

    - Db2: added support for tablespaces

    - Db2: added support for index comments

    - Db2: added support for check constraints

    - Graph targets: enhance Diagram Views layout behavior when adding nodes


    New features in v7.4.1 [08-May-2024]

    - Personal Edition: enabled feature to Infer PKs and FKs

    - Graph targets: fixed issue when opening models more than once within a single application session


    New features in v7.4.0 [03-May-2024]

    - IBM Db2: soft launch -- added plugin with full support for forward-engineering of DDL, and reverse-engineering including inference of schemas in JSON data types -- additional feature support to be added progressively

    - ERD: added a collapsible Diagram Object section above the Object Browser to easily add objects

    - ERD: added mark in entity title bar for reference to model and external definitions 

    - Added foreground opening of Windows Explorer when invoked

    - Added foreground opening of email message in Windows when invoked during error reporting

    - Collibra: adjusted reverse-engineering to reduce number of API calls when fetching attributes for assets

    - Cassandra: added map-reduce of map data type during reverse-engineering when multiple map samples are encountered

    - MySQL: enhanced decryption of key during SSH tunnel connection in Windows

    - OpenAPI: added requestBody only for request that allow it

    - OpenAPi: patched upgraded Swagger UI library to handle resolution of schema references with spaces in Windows path


    New features in v7.3.11 [26-Apr-2024]

    - ERD: added + button in title bar of entities to easily append new attribute/field/column

    - ERD: paste container boxes via shortcut in the place where mouse cursor is located

    - Error dialog: added fallback with shorter email in case max character limit reached with Outlook client

    - Browser deployment: added health check troubleshooting tile to download logs and contact support

    - Views: added possibility to pick columns from list of entities derived from Polyglot and definitions

    - Glue Data Catalog: added reverse-engineering of SerDe table property

    - Glue Data Catalog: updated to latest aws-sdk library version

    - Oracle: added ALTER script for creation and deletion of foreign key relationship constraints

    - PostgreSQL: added handling of min and max values in sequence during reverse-engineering

    - Teradata: added escaping wrapper for path to JAVA binary file

    - Teradata: added handling of Teradata cutting large DDLs into chunks during reverse-engineering

    - Teradata: added conversion of COMPRESS statements into ENUM attributes during reverse-engineering


    New features in v7.3.10 [19-Apr-2024]

    - ERD: paste entity boxes via shortcut in the place where mouse cursor is located

    - Collibra: increased logging in reverse-engineering process

    - Couchbase with scopes and collections: added possibility for multiple indexes plus export in JSON Schema full and extended compliance

    - MongoDB: fixed indicator of views in reverse-engineering entity picker dialog

    - Oracle: added ALTER script for the creation of an index on a newly created table or column

    - Parquet: added schema script tab at model level

    - PostgreSQL: added ALTER script for the creation of an index on a newly created table or column

    - Snowflake: added forward-engineering of composite key constraints


    New features in v7.3.9 [12-Apr-2024]

    - Command-Line Interface: allowed space as delimiter between argument key and value, in addition to existing equal sign

    - JSON Schema: added index key name when forward-engineering MongoDB index in Extended compliance

    - JSON Schema: refactored to preserve GUIDs in block/group properties when reverse-engineering files with Extended compliance

    - Workgroup: do not offer option to create local branch if branch of same name exists on remote

    - OpenAPI: limited forward-engineering of examples schema property to OAS 3.1.0+

    - OpenAPI: added requestBody for delete method in OAS 3.1+.  While permitted, the spec advises to avoid it, given lack of precise semantics...

    - Synapse: reduced fetching of metadata to user-defines constraints, filtering out system metadata

    - Synapse: made reverse-engineering more resilient to complete process despite non-blocking errors

    - Synapse: skipped querying DB for sampling if sample is set to zero

    - Synapse: replaced parallel requests to instance with iterative calls via loop


    New features in v7.3.8 [05-Apr-2024]

    - Browser deployment: added health check screen, including first tile for config of browser's local storage

    - Naming conventions: adjusted business name validation if no technical name is present

    - JSON Schema export: added possibility to convert model definitions into internal definitions when they are already a subobject an an internal definition

    - Avro: added possibility to convert enum's symbol default to polyglot and derive from it

    - Couchbase with scopes and collections: added detection of multiple data types for collections with no primary index

    - DynamoDB: added restriction of multiple data types to JSON fields only

    - OpenAPI: adjusted generation of example property in sample JSON data when data type is other than string

    - Protobuf: added reverse-engineering of referencing field even if no internal definition is present in file

    - Protobuf: added filter for not referenced definition in individual message scripts

    - Synapse: added explicit config timeout control for query pool

    - Synapse: added API for connection string parsing

    - Teradata: added handling of large data sample


    New features in v7.3.7 [01-Apr-2024]

    - JSON Schema forward-engineering: added GUIDs for MongoDB indexes in Extended compliance

    - JSON Schema reverse-engineering: added possibility to reverse-engineer indexes in Full and Extended compliance


    New features in v7.3.6 [29-Mar-2024]

    - Avro: added validation of Symbol default property for enum data type

    - Avro: adjusted handling of default for enums in Avro schema forward-engineering

    - DeltaLake/Databricks: show in ERD length from maxLength property for char and varchar data types

    - Elasticsearch: added refresh_interval_unit property

    - Elasticsearch: added time_series_dimensions for ES v8 and up

    - Oracle: added forward- and reverse-engineering of sequences with instance

    - Oracle: added support for sequences in ALTER scrip of delta models

    - Snowflake: added more descriptive message if a view SELECT statement is invalid

    - Snowflake: upgraded libraries to remove potential vulnerabilities

    - XSD reverse-engineering: added error message when circular references are detected


    New features in v7.3.5 [22-Mar-2024]

    - Property validation: enhanced use of custom regex in validationRegularExpressions.json custom config file

    - Compare & Merge: added display of differences for custom tabs at model level

    - Multiple data types: fixed handling in native targets (MongoDB, Couchbase, DynamoDB, and JSON) when custom properties are present at field level

    - Browser deployment: added handling with warning when site data is disabled

    - Community edition desktop and browser: enabled some previously disabled forward-engineering function for RDBMS and SQL-like targets -- limit of 50 objects remains

    - Collibra: enhanced handling of views referencing tables not present in the model

    - Databricks: added reverse-engineering of Unity Catalog tags in HQL files

    - OpenAPI: fixed generation of OAS 3.1 examples property when data type is other than string

    - Oracle: added support for creation and handling of sequences

    - Oracle: added DDL forward- and reverse-engineering of sequences from DDL

    - Protobuf: added commenting of schema lines for deactivated messages and columns

    - Protobuf: added handling for commented lines when reverse-engineering schemas

    - ADLS and Blog Storage: added ability to fetch Avro, JSON, and Parquet files in nested folders


    New features in v7.3.4 [15-Mar-2024]

    - Object picker dialog: refactored for more intuitive and consistent behavior of search, collapse/expand tree, and select all

    - Excel import: added handling of multiple polyglot references

    - Collibra: added global assignment configuration of foreign master relationships

    - Couchbase: added plugin for support of v7+ with scopes and collections

    - Couchbase v7+: handled race condition in forward-engineering Apply to instance

    - Couchbase v7+: handled creation of a collection even if no scope is declared

    - Elasticsearch v7+: adjusted field properties based on the selected subtype

    - Neo4j: added handling of JSON pattern fields for forward-engineering of properties in Cypher scripts

    - Oracle: added IF NOT EXISTS property for indexes, with dynamic SQL forward-engineering for versions prior to 23c and static SQL with 23c and after

    - Oracle: added reverse-engineering of IF NOT EXISTS in DDLs from 23C and above

    - Oracle: added ALTER script for indexes


    New features in v7.3.3 [08-Mar-2024]

    - Improved performance when opening models with new schema validation library (cut time in half)

    - Community edition desktop and browser: enabled some previously disabled functions: text diff, convert to polyglot, and verify data model -- limit of 50 objects remains

    - Entity tab schema tree view: removed 200px max length

    - Documentation and Print Diagram: removed 200px max length in all formats

    - Collibra: added reverse-engineering of logical data dictionaries into polyglot models

    - Databricks: added support for Unity Catalog tags in views

    - Databricks: added handling of Unity Catalog tags in ALTER scripts

    - MongoDB: added reverse-engineering of indexes in JSON Schema files exported with full or extended compliance

    - PostgreSQL: added reverse-engineering of sequences

    - PostgreSQL: added handling of sequences in ALTER scripts

    - PostgreSQL: added handling of indexes in ALTER scripts


    New features in v7.3.2 [01-Mar-2024]

    - Enhanced memory usage in model open/close processes

    - Print diagram: increased size of image for PNG format

    - Command-Line Interface: added new argument --references to polyglotUpdate command to allow granular selection

    - Command-Line Interface: deprecated old argument --selecteObjects from polyglotUpdate command

    - BigQuery: added possibility to comment out deactivated relationships in forward-engineering script

    - Databricks Unity Catalog: added support for tags in ALTER scripts of delta models


    New features in v7.3.1 [23-Feb-2024]

    - Object browser: significantly reduced memory consumption and increased stability with super large models

    - Collibra: added publishing of Polyglot models to Collibra logical data dictionaries with model/entity/attribute data assets

    - Databricks: added support for tags in Unity Catalog

    - Oracle: added support for function-based indexes

    - Oracle: removed case-sensitivity on inline constraints

    - Oracle: added support for reverse-engineering of hash-partitioned tables, plus composite partitions with LIST subpartitions

    - Polyglot: fixed "max map limit" error upon opening of super large models derived from polyglot

    - PostgreSQL: added support for creation and handling of sequences

    - Protobuf: added possibility to declare single and blocks comments between name and body

    - Synapse: added logger argument


    New features in v7.3.0 [16-Feb-2024]

    - Browser: official launch at of Community Edition with common code base with Desktop: No credit card. No registration. No download. Runs in browser. No cookies. Local storage of models. Security first.

    - Desktop tech refresh to Electron (v28.2.2), NodeJS (v18.18.2), Chromium (v120.0.6099.276), V8 (v12.0) and related modules

    - Compare & Merge and Impact Analysis: added button to select all deletions

    - Custom properties: fixed editing of group properties on references when using the enabledforReferences template variable

    - Plugin Manager: added detection of lack of Write rights in folder for plugin installation due to anti-virus

    - JSON: added nesting restriction for scalar data types

    - Oracle DDL reverse-engineering: enhanced parser to skip spool statements

    - Snowflake: updated to latest SDK version to circumvent Snowflake limit when sampling rate is higher that SDK's response capacity 


    New features in v7.2.3 [09-Feb-2024]

    - DDL reverse-engineering: removed case-sensitivity of columns for PK constraints, indexes, and partitions

    - Polyglot: added support for entity references to handle the fact that this concept exists in Avro

    - Polyglot: added handling of deletion decorative symbols during update of references

    - Workgroup: renamed GitHub Enterprise into GitHub Server, since Enterprise is also available in Cloud

    - Workgroup: removed the OAuth option from GitHub Server

    - Avro: added possibility to edit $ref property for references without definition

    - Collibra: added the possibility to fetch nested Communities

    - Oracle: added reverse-engineering of view comments and view column comments


    New features in v7.2.2 [02-Feb-2024]

    - Compare and Merge: added rendering of array items that are references

    - Polyglot Impact Analysis: added rendering of array items that are references

    - Reverse-Engineering from DDLs and XSDs: enriched log file to include system information

    - Collibra: optimized domain fetching logic and performance

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: allow forward-engineering of FK relationships for tables without a schema

    - Excel import: adjusted logic to reverse-engineer edge relationships into polyglot models

    - Oracle: added ability to reverse-engineer Duality View fields defined as simple column references

    - Oracle: relaxed constraint around former reserved keyword SEQ during reverse-engineering and parsing of DDLs


    New features in v7.2.1 [29-Jan-2024]

    - Reverted back to Electron v27.2.1 due to issues with workers on MacOS

    - Polyglot and external references: adjusted user experience for relative vs absolute path in file chooser 


    New features in v7.2.0 [26-Jan-2024]

    - Tech refresh of Electron (v28.1.4), NodeJS (v18.18.2), Chromium (v120.0.6099.216), V8 (v12.0) and related modules

    - Infer PKs and FKs: added spinner to prevent user from multiple clicks on submit button

    - Polyglot: added filtering of views when converting target model to Polyglot

    - Polyglot: added comparison of annotation symbols to Impact Analysis screen

    - Polyglot: fixed anomaly during Impact Analysis of of normalized structures

    - Polyglot and external references: streamlined user experience for relative vs absolute path in file chooser 

    - Workgroup Edition: added handling of HTML response from Git server during authentication

    - CockroachDB: added ability to model check constraints, including forward- and reverse-engineering

    - CockroachDB: added ability to model indexes, including forward- and reverse-engineering

    - Collibra: improved logging for publishing of custom configuration

    - Collibra: allowed for factory default reset when creating custom setup

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added data type timestamp_nz for Runtime 13 and up

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: changed container terminology from database to schema, as per Databricks recommendation


    New features in v7.1.1 [19-Jan-2024]

    - Command-Line Interface: allowed * wildcard in --files argument of commands revEng, revEngJSON and revEngYAML

    - Application launch: display warning if application erroneously installed in AppData folder

    - Forward-engineering: added logging of system and application information 

    - Custom properties: harmonized sample xLevelconfig;json file with array for all targets to show support custom tabs

    - Workgroup edition: added deselection by default for deletions in the Git conflict resolution screen

    - Workgroup edition: physical Git conflict markers are associated to logical differences in conflict resolution screen

    - CockroachDB: added support for reverse-engineering of UDTs

    - CockroachDB: added ability to model table partitions, including forward- and reverse-engineering

    - CockroachDB: added ability to model table options, including forward- and reverse-engineering

    - CockroachDB: added properties for using, partitioning, hash, and visibility clauses in indexes, plus ability to parse btree and and hash-sharded indexes


    New features in v7.1.0 [12-Jan-2024]

    - Tech refresh of Electron (v27.2.1), NodeJS (v18.17.1), Chromium (v118.0.5993.159), V8 (v11.8) and related modules

    - Polyglot: implemented 12x performance enhancement on refreshing references in derived models

    - ERD: adjusted box alignment function to keep zoom level

    - Properties Pane: added the automatic marking of Required/Not Null for PKs during reverse-engineering of JSON or derive from Polyglot

    - Documentation: added missing custom properties in native targets

    - Command Line Interface: fixed effect of --maxErdEntityBoxes argument of revEng commands

    - Workgroup : added default deselection of checkbox for deleted attributes in case of conflict resolution

    - CockroachDB: adjusted numeric data types to reflect CRDB's different approach than PostgreSQL

    - CockroachDB: fixed reverse-engineering of table comments

    - CockroachDB: removed tablespace clause from forward- and reverse-engineering

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: suppressed extraneous table options during reverse-engineering of DDL

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added null safety check to filter check constraints

    - SQL Server/Synapse: increased logging to catch server timeouts during reverse-engineering

    - SQL Server/Synapse: removed unnecessary index query in reverse-engineering


    New features in v7.0.7 [05-Jan-2024]

    - Forward-engineering: added possibility to select individual entities of an ERDV

    - CockroachDB: added plugin with full support for forward-engineering of DDL, and reverse-engineering including inference of schemas in JSON and JSONB data types

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: suppressed extraneous space in encoding of special ASCII characters in object technical names

    - MariaDB: added possibility to define cross-schema views

    - MySQL: added possibility to define cross-schema views

    - Oracle: relaxed technical name validation to allow all ASCII characters, as DDL generation uses quotes

    - Oracle: added possibility to define cross-schema views

    - PostgreSQL: added possibility to define cross-schema views

    - Teradata: added possibility to define cross-schema views

    - YugabyteDB: added possibility to define cross-schema views


    New features in v7.0.6 [29-Dec-2023]

    - Compare and Merge: enhanced detection of duplications and deletions in merge conflicts for models derived from polyglot

    - Excel: fixed inconsistent behavior in persistence of selected column options

    - Avro: added support for cross-namespace schema references

    - Cassandra: added support for the Cassandra 5.0 vector<float,dimension> data type

    - Cassandra: added possibility to create custom index with similarity_function option for vector search


    New features in v7.0.5 [22-Dec-2023]

    - ERD: implemented 10x performance improvement when display name is technical

    - Polyglot: implemented update of entity name changes in impact analysis screen

    - ERDV: fixed adding entities to ERDV via contextual menu

    - Excel: added exclusion of entity and view columns in export 

    - Forward-engineering: restructured selection tree in entity picker dialog

    - Reverse-Engineering: added reset of entity selection after cancel and immediate restart of the process

    - Avro: added use of record technical name in Schema Registry API forward-engineering of entity references in choices

    - Snowflake: further enhanced parsing of view SELECT statements and forward-engineering of view select statements


    New features in v7.0.4 [15-Dec-2023]

    - ERD: added possibility to add FK relationships from parent to child with creation of attribute in child entity.  Behavior can be toggled with child-to-parent direction in Tools > Options > General.  Opposite behavior possible with Ctrl+mouse drag-and-drop

    - Context bar: added Home icon for 1-click access to Welcome page

    - External definitions and parent polyglot model: added Properties Pane button to open reference in new instance

    - Forward-engineering: added possibility to create files according to ERDV membership

    - Workgroup: added tolerance for undocumented 8-symbol conflict markers

    - Avro: added escaping of the schema in forward-engineering with the Schema Registry format

    - Avro: used for generation of schema references in forward-engineering with the Schema Registry format

    - Couchbase: upgrade to latest v4.2.4 of couchnode SDK

    - Couchbase: added handling of bucket names with spaces and special characters

    - Couchbase: added handling of delays in creation of new bucket by target instance

    - Databricks: added possibility to generate FaskerJS-based bulk synthetic INSERT records for testing

    - MongoDB: added consent dialog about risks of executing JavaScript when reverse-engineering Mongoose schema files

    - RDBMS and OLAP targets: removed extraneous View On property as DDL is assembled based on the table of the selected columns

    - Snowflake: further enhanced parsing of view SELECT statements to include options in WHERE clauses


    New features in v7.0.3 [08-Dec-2023]

    - External definitions: enabled selection of choices and subschemas in external references

    - ERD: fixed bug preventing duplicate action on entities

    - FK relationship: allowed update of relationship name from the child attribute's properties pane

    - Avro: added support for forward- and reverse-engineering of schemas made of oneOf union of schema references

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: removed extraneous View On property as DDL is assembled based on the table of the selected columns

    - DocumentDB: added handling of special characters in username/password

    - MongoDB: added handling of invalid BSON date data type

    - PostgreSQL/YugabyteDB: added estimated rows to udf if the function returns a set

    - PostgreSQL/YugabyteDB: allowed definition of number of estimated rows for udfs that returns table

    - PostgreSQL/YugabyteDB: added comments on functions to DDL generation

    - PostgreSQL/YugabyteDB: allowed creation of indexes without a method

    - Snowflake: added support for view SELECT statements with nested statements and Snowflake-specific syntax like OVER clause and multiple clauses


    New features in v7.0.2 [01-Dec-2023]

    - Model obfuscation: added effect to attributes added to a target model derived from polyglot

    - Bulk test data generation: upgraded FakerJS library to v8.3.1

    - Forward-engineering to file system: removed format from the folder name only for unstructured path

    - Avro: removed extraneous POST command in forward-engineering for Schema Registry

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: replaced blanks and dots with underscores in FK relationship constraint names to avoid Unity Catalog restriction not handling backticks

    - Hive: removed extraneous mode=int for in JSON Schema Full compliance when type=integer

    - OpenAPI: removed restriction to replace schema with component reference when derived from polyglot

    - PostgreSQL: removed restrictions on composite PKs when adding update columns to triggers

    - Redshift: removed extraneous mode=int for in JSON Schema Full compliance when type=integer

    - Snowflake: added support for view SELECT statements referencing parsed JSON

    - YugabyteDB: removed restrictions on composite PKs when adding update columns to triggers


    New features in v7.0.1 [24-Nov-2023]

    - License status screen: added copying of license key to clipboard prior to release

    - Views: enabled changing the database/schema container while keeping reference to the view on table property

    - Excel: added export and import of lineage sources

    - Polyglot: added possibility to select individual branch of subtype relationship to be deleted

    - Forward-engineering to file system: added format to the folder name

    - Avro: added option to include namespace as part of file name during forward-engineering to file

    - Cosmos DB with Core API: updated axios library to latest to take into account latest vulnerabilities

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added support for table level constraints

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: adjusted conditions for which USE CATALOG statement is generated in DDL forward-engineering

    - PostgreSQL: added support for NULLS NOT DISTINCT in unique indexes and unique key constraints

    - PostgreSQL: added support for DEFERABLE unique constraints

    - PostgreSQL: added support for stored generated columns


    New features in v7.0.0 [17-Nov-2023]

    - Browser: deployment of Community Edition with common code base with Desktop, soft launched at, basis for many upcoming enhancements

    - Desktop: Community Edition no longer requires a license key

    - Desktop: redesigned License status screen, also available from Context bar

    - License status screen: added one-step validation of another key, replacing 2-step release of old key plus validation of new key

    - Application packaging: added OS-specific prebuild of native modules

    - Command-Line Interface: added different file name patterns to compMod command [commit:][path]<file> with OS-based escaping for names with spaces

    - Command-Line Interface: added logging and friendly error messages

    - Avro: added possibility to use --defstrategy CLI argument to specify whether an entity should be resolved (default) or referenced

    - Cosmos DB with Core API: added fine-tuning of database and container creation via Azure CLI for partition-key-path, serverless, and TTL parameters

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added support for data type changes in ALTER script of delta models

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added support for SET LOCATION changes in ALTER script of delta models

    - Delta Lake/Databricks: added support for SET/UNSET TBLPROPERTIES changes in ALTER script of delta models

    - Oracle: added import of out-of-line column comments in DDL files

    - Snowflake: added schema name escaping plus function arguments, comments generation, and references in CONSTRAINT statements